Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Two more days (Tuesday and Wednesday) are in the books!  The ladies returned to the school and spent two mornings working with a younger group of children and a different teacher setting up a second early childhood center. 

After the morning class the Julie, Rauna, and Gail continued to paint the classroom.  Brad and Micah Witherow set up some scaffolding and painted the higher locations.  Mike and John Witherow continued to work with some local Young Life leaders on the playground construction.

Each night we are served a wonderful meal back at the farm.  We eat outside around a fire and marvel at the amazing display of starts overhead.  We are usually pretty tired and head to bed by 9 pm.  The days are warm and we are at about 5000 feet of elevation which along with the long days make us pretty much ready for bed.

We have group devotions at 7:30 each morning which a different team member facilitates.  Breakfast is served at 8.

On Wednesday Brad become our master paint mixer and did a great job of mixing a variety of colors so that we could paint the play structure we have been building at the Motopo Elementary School. He also mixed paint so that the ladies could paint characters on the walls of one of the classrooms that they have  been working in all week.

Mike and John wrapped up the work on the play structure and with the help of the Young Life leaders got it painted. 

Our time at the school is quickly coming to an end.  There were quite a few tears during our devotion time this morning (Thursday) as we reflected on our ministry here, the bond that has developed among our team, the children and teachers as well as with the Witherows and Fergusons.

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