Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday at Nakayot

Today was a day for the record books!  We had breakfast at 6:30 AM and planned to leave for the Peace at 7.  We finally headed out at 8 AM,  The road to Nakayot is about 20 miles off the main highway.  It is a dirt road and it had rained hard overnight, so the going was pretty rough.  But we made it.  Our day was very productive.  We had to put a primer coat of paint on all the metal support structures.  We hauled untold numbers of wheelbarrow loads of gravel to cover the floor of the kitchen and compact it by had to make it ready for concrete.  We also install two windows through which the children will eventually receive their meals.  About midday we had a torrential rain storm with lots of wind.  We all got pretty damp.  After about an hour the sun came out and dried everything.  A team of local youth unloaded two truck loads of cement blocks for the walls and also several hundred gallons of water for use in mixing the cement.  We headed home around 6:30 PM and one the way out to the main road had to help pull out one of the trucks that hauled the cement blocks.  The road out was really muddy.  All in all a very good day.  Everyone is sore and tired and ready for bed.  Thanks for your continued prayers.

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